This podcast is for listeners who dream of living in a log cabin and want information, education, and inspiration to help them achieve the log cabin lifestyle! Sponsored by Caribou Creek Log Homes, a handcrafted log home company that has been in business for over 30 years building custom log homes. Hosted by Lindsay Sutherland. Lindsay had a dream of living in a log cabin in the woods. She uprooted her family and moved to North Idaho only to find her dream job at Caribou Creek a year later. Tune in to hear information on log cabin construction styles, log home design, finding the right land, budgeting and cost breakdown discussions, interviews with others who have build their dream home and how they did it. We are here to inspire, educate, inform, and advise people who have been thinking of building their dream log cabin. Thanks for listening! Tags: Log Cabin Construction, Log Home Lifestyle, Mountain Living, Log Home Architecture, Log Home Design, Log Cabin

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Are Log Homes Susceptible to Fire AND Why Are They So Hard To Insure?
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
True or False: Log homes are harder to insure because they are susceptible to fire damage?
Want to know the truth? Tune in to hear this interview with special guest is Bea Speakman who is an insurance agent with Speakman Agency with Idaho Farm Bureau Insurance. www.FarmBureauSandpoint.com
Bea and Lindsay discuss home insurance for log cabins as well as what the most common claims are on log homes.
Remember to leave us a review on iTunes to be entered to win a Free YETI - Details in the show.
Follow us of Instagram @ www.instagram.com/cariboucreek

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Can Log Homes Meet Energy Code Requirements?
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
How many log home dreams have been squelched because cabin lovers were told that log homes aren't energy efficient and can't meet code requirements? I'm betting a lot!
Todays podcast is diving into this topic and revealing the truth.
Be sure to leave us a review on iTunes to be entered to win a YETI!
When you think of how many log homes are built compared to how many total houses are built a year, log homes make up a very small number. As a result, not much research had been done on log homes nor had many codes been written pertaining to log homes specifically. In fact, it wasn’t until roughly 6 years ago that the ICC (International Code Council) updated their provisions to include requirements for log homes.
The Department of Energy conducted research on the energy efficiency of mass walls compared to framed walls. Here is the link ---https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/6488
Another great article to read is here--- https://www.robpickettandassoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/DOE_Warms_Up_to_Thermal_Mass_in_Log_Walls.pdf
Follow Caribou Creek on Instagram

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
A Log Home That Doesn't Settle??
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Due to the complexity of modern log homes, construction methods have needed to upgrade. Anymore, log homes that settle are not the most effective way to build. Non-settling log home construction is an engineered system that keeps the logs from moving in relation to the ground. Slip joints, plumbing, settling joints, and more can be wiped out of the design with non-settling construction.
Here are the key questions this podcast will answer...
- What is a non settling system and why do we use it?
- Is there a big difference in price between non-settling and settling design?
- What is the engineered non-settling system?
- How does this non-settling system help the contractor and the homeowner in the long run?
Thinking of building your own dream log cabin? Check out our Ultimate Log Home Planning Guide as a recourse for you. https://bit.ly/317qsxr

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
David Byler, founder of Caribou Creek Log Homes, joins us on the podcast today to tell his story.
- How he and his brothers started the company and why
- How he renovated an old homestead log cabin and turned it into a home three times the size for his family.
- What his next dream home will be.
- Briefly touches on Caribou Creeks Construction methods.
- What he is most passionate about when it comes to his company
- How he came to be working with his son and son-in-law today (How the company is still family owned and operated)
David's house was featured in Sporting Classics Magazine. You can read the article here https://cariboucreek.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Sporting-Classics-Feature.pdf
Caribou Creek Log Homes has been handcrafting log cabins and log lodges for clients around the world since 1989. Visit www.cariboucreek.com for more details or call 800-619-1156.

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
In this episode Founder and Owner David Byler shares a recent experience he had with a local custom home builder in Coeur d'Alene who had taken a set of our plans and bid it out for a stick frame home just to compare it to our prices. The truth will surprise you! It certainly left us all jaw-dropped!
David Byler founded Caribou Creek Log Homes in 1989 with his 2 brothers. Today, his son and son-in-law, still run the company. Caribou Creek builds log homes and delivers them around the world. We build cabins of all sizes from simplest designs to high end log-mansions. But no matter how big or small, the quality and craftsmanship is always top notch.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR GUESTS! If you have built your dream cabin we want to hear from you. Visit www.mydreamloghome.com and fill out a guest form.
For more information on Caribou Creek Log Homes call 800-619-1156 or visit www.CaribouCreek.com.
Highlighted in this episode -
- Price of a log home was significantly cheaper than stick frame (at least using labor costs in North Idaho)
- We discussed how log prices have not gone up but milled wood prices have causing construction materials such as OSB and 2x4's to be double or triple in some areas
- Construction labor prices
- Why contractors and plumbers lover Caribou Creek homes
- How a Caribou Creek home will save you time

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Insider Tips to Efficiently Plan Ahed for Your Dream Home
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Maybe it’s Covid or maybe people are just fed up with the city and ready to head to the country to realize their dream of living in a log cabin. Whatever the reason is, countless people are packing up and moving all over the country. There is evidence of this in real estate trends and contractors schedules. We’ve polled land brokers and realtors across the country and the consensus is that quality land is selling fast. Additionally, contractors in various parts of the country are booked out in some cases 2 years or more. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult for families looking to relocate and build a dream home in a rapid fashion. Today, we want to discuss a general timeframe outline to help you gauge what to expect as well as share insider secrets to help you COLLAPSE the time investment.
Lindsay interviews our in house draftsman Stuart Yoder, who inspired this topic to be released because of the backlog he is experiencing in the design department. With a sudden influx of projects we are discovering people are looking to build their dream home in the summer of 2021; however, some important pieces need to be in place before that can happen.
Todays episode reveals those pieces and outlines how you can keep your planned project on schedule without the interference of timely delays.
Visit www.mydreamloghome.com to find out more.
Follow Caribou Creek on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cariboucreek/
Learn more about the Design Process https://cariboucreek.com/our-design/

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Insider Secrets To Finding The Right Land For Your Dream Home
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Buying land can be one of the most frustrating parts of building a dream home! We have frequently seen projects get postponed or worse, even dropped altogether because people can't find the land they need to build on. Even more disturbing, we have even seen clients buy land - be excited and ready to start planning and building, just to find out the lot is not buildable for some reason or another. We want to help you avoid these pitfalls with todays episode with North Idaho Realtor Jaclyn Wakefield. Jaclyn's experience with construction and project management gives her a unique perspective that you won't want to miss!
Connect with Jaclyn --->> https://bit.ly/3gBs3mv
Find her on Facebook -->> https://bit.ly/3a1hwQg
Join the My Dream Log Cabin FB Community -->> https://bit.ly/2T9k2Kq

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Are you ready to build your log cabin dream, but are struggling to find the right location? Have you been searching endlessly online trying to find a land parcel that meets your vision?
Or, maybe you are trying to relocate from one state to another and are struggling to find people to help you!
Finding land can be one of the hardest parts of the process and so can finding the right realtor! Tune in to this episode to hear what it was like for us during the relocation process and hear some mistakes I made that hopefully you can avoid!
Join our Facebook Community at ---> https://bit.ly/37v7u8u
Purchase The Ultimate Log Home Planning Guide ---> https://bit.ly/317qsxr
#relocating #movingacrossstates #findingland #buyingland #logcabin

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Have you been dreaming of a log cabin but you aren’t sure if you can afford it? Or maybe you have heard that log homes are more expensive than traditional homes and just counted them out as an option for you. Listen to this episode because you will see that log homes are more affordable than you may think!
The Ultimate Log Home Planning Guide -->> https://bit.ly/317qsxr
Join our Facebook Community -->>https://bit.ly/37v7u8u
#Logcabinconstruction #loghomekits

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Episode 4: Christine's Story: A Log Cabin Dream Since Childhood
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Caribou Creek Log Home customer Christine Holbert shares how she dreamt of living in a log home since she was a child. She tells her story of how she found land and the process she went through to find builders despite having no prior knowledge of construction or overseeing the building of a custom home. Check out her website www.losthorsepress.org
Join the community: https://bit.ly/2T9k2Kq